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"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands." (2 Timothy 1:6 NKJV)

I wonder what was going on in Timothy's life and walk with the Lord when Paul wrote this to him. Did Paul write this because he learned of something specific that Timothy was going through, or was this just a "general" word from father to son? Was he writing a word of encouragement to Timothy, or might he even have been ministering to himself because of the gravity of his own situation at the time? I may never know the answers to these questions, but the truth spoken here is relevant in our own lives today – both from the point of a giver, and a receiver.

Here is what we know for sure: "For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" (Romans 11:29). Whatever Timothy was going through, he was already called by the Lord and was given at least one spiritual gift. That gift could not be taken away – it was irrevocable, just as ours is today. "God is not a man that He should lie, or a son of man that He should change His mind" (Numbers 23:19). Even with this, though, as permanent as the gift and calling are, it is equally important for us to know that, regardless what we are going through, the gift won't stir itself! When times get tough, pity parties are not an option!

Jesus died for us, and gave us eternal life. We can never pay that back – and it is more than enough! If He never does anything else for us in this life, the gift of an eternity spent with Him is an unimaginable treasure that makes any pain or trouble in this life disappear the instant we arrive in Heaven! He doesn't owe us anything else, and it certainly isn't His responsibility to keep us engaged in our walk with Him!

We have a gift and a responsibility to use it, for His glory! But the simple truth is that the gift won't engage itself, and we can't sit back and wait for God to activate it – He's already given the gift, now it's up to us. Paul tells Timothy here to "stir up the gift," meaning that he had both the ability and responsibility to keep the gift engaged, even if his circumstances were a distraction. I'll let that sink in... we have the ability and responsibility to keep the gift active. What's more, being afraid (due to circumstances, persecution, etc) is not an excuse, as we see in the next verse... "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." If we have fear, it's because we invited it ourselves - fear is not from God. He gives us power, love, and a sound mind (disciplined thought patterns) which stand in opposition of fear.

As believers, sometimes we need to hear these words. They are life to us! It doesn't matter how "mature" we get to be in the Lord, we will all at times have a "John the Baptist" moment, when we are in a dark place, a prison, and need reassurances. Let me be an encouragement to you today! Hail, mighty warrior! You are a child of the Most High God! You are seated with Him in Heavenly Places! You are MORE than a conqueror, but don't forget your gift! It's not for you that it was given. Wherever you are in life, if you are called by the Spirit of God, then the gift is not about you. Your gift needs to be stirred up so that the Kingdom will be advanced.

And as important as it is to hear these words, there will also be times that we need to speak these words to others. Keep your eyes open for those that are down and discouraged, and encourage them to stir up the gift that is already within them! Sometimes we are Paul, and sometimes we are Timothy – but at all times we are His!

In the Love of Christ... Don Capwell

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