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Contrary to our occasional fantasies, God does not promote us into positions of authority, or put us in difficult situations because of our "awesomeness," or our proven abilities. Many times, He does so simply because of our willingness to uphold His standard in trying times. In Genesis 41, Joseph is not the one that interpreted Pharaoh's dreams – he didn't even claim to! But, nonetheless, Joseph was still promoted up to the second highest position in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh, and given control over all of Egypt (except Pharaoh's own household). Joseph even told his brothers that he had become "the father to Pharaoh" (Gen 45:8).

Through the circumstance of the dreams, Pharaoh saw something of the favor of God on Joseph's life, something he, himself, lacked – so he promoted Joseph to fill in the gap of what was needed to preserve his country. In your case, perhaps you need to replace the word "country" with the word ministry, workplace, family, or some other word that better describes the situation that God has placed you in… but someone, somewhere, saw something in you that was lacking in himself (or herself), and they knew they needed YOU around to fill the gap. (We know that they really need GOD, but you have become a surrogate.) To state the obvious and well understood among this group, the dreams were not in either Pharaoh's or Joseph's power to produce - God Himself orchestrated the promotion, and even though Pharaoh may not have understood that Joseph rightfully gave credit to God for the interpretation, he likely did not give much thought to this Godly encounter. Joseph produced, and in so doing became valuable to Pharaoh.

As we move through the rest of the Book of Genesis, we see that Pharaoh did well to not just promote Joseph, but also to stay out of his way and let him do what was needed. But what would have happened if the favor that Pharaoh placed on Joseph would have faded? What would the outcome have been had Pharaoh decided after 5, 6 or 7 years of prosperity that Joseph was no longer needed? What if Joseph had been marginalized, and his positioning with God been discounted or forgotten in the eyes of Pharaoh, who "promoted" him? We can certainly speculate, if we were of a mind to, but it just didn't happen. Oh, but has it happened (or is it happening now) to you? Should you take offense, or make a loud noise? Should you fight back against this foolish disregard by others that God has placed you in this situation, and insist – no, demand - that people recognize you and what you bring to the table?

As tempting as that all sounds, I think we'd all agree that this would be a prideful reaction indeed. No, instead the cross must be applied! To pull from a sermon I heard from Dave Cosgrove, we can choose to be right, or choose to be righteous… we MUST choose righteousness! It must be enough for us to know that the Lord knows the end from the beginning. He holds our eternities in His hand. Remember the words that our Father spoke to Samuel in 1 Samuel 8 that the people were not rejecting him, but rejecting God! The same people that begged Samuel "Do not cease to cry out to the LORD our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines," (1 Samuel 7:8) were clamoring for a "king to judge us like all the nations" just one chapter later!

Are you going through a struggle right now? Has God Himself promoted you to a position in someone's life, or in a workplace, or in a ministry, and you feel you are being marginalized, or perhaps the Lord's anointing may be overlooked in the eyes of those that claim credit for bringing you on board? Are you being mistreated? Have you recognized and acknowledged the Lord's hand on putting you where you are, but now see everything being stripped away? I have. I am. I so totally see myself in this, and this is what the Lord has to say about it…

Ephesians 6:13 says, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." It is so easy to collapse under the weight of our situation when we are ill-prepared for rejection (I am referring to the rejection of man). But remember who promoted you into the position, and for what reason! Uphold the Standard of God! If everyone else is falling, stand! If everyone else is compromising, stand! When it looks like all Hell is breaking loose, stand! When the tempest rages the loudest and your hands feel like they are tied, stand! When you are marginalized, or ridiculed, or thrown out, stand! You have nothing to fear, because He that is with you is greater than he that is against you! If you are in the situation by your own might and under your own strength, then fear should drive you to the cross… but if He promoted you, then fear should drive you to the resurrected Jesus! Remember who you are IN HIM!

Joseph's positioning in the Lord is what positioned him for promotion, just as your positioning in Him allowed you your present situation! Jesus is High and Lifted up, and He is still in control. Stand, as Stephen stood as he was being stoned, not afraid of what others will say or do to you as you stand for the Lord, and you will see Jesus, standing by his throne in Heaven, cheering you on!

Blessings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus from your Brother in the Southwest…

- Don Capwell

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