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He said to him, it's tough to kick against the pricks. It's tough to kick against the pricks. For this would be the root cause. It's tough to kick against the pricks. It shall be from bad to worse, but it's tough to kick against the pricks!

The Lord would have a people even that would flow with Him. For he, too, when it was said it was tough to kick against the pricks, later would say, Follow me as I follow the Lord.

There shall be a people that shall walk in accordance; that shall be in step. They shall be in tune with the Lord. For how else shall it be that what they bind on earth is being bound in heaven, and what's being loosed on earth is loosed in heaven?

But that there be a flow -even a sway. The Lord would have you even be as trees planted in the House of the Lord, and that you would sway to the breeze of the Lord.

Oh, it's tough to kick against the pricks! Flow with the Lord your God, for there is a breeze. There is a stream which makes glad the City of God. There's coming a day that all shall flow...all shall swim...all shall sway with the Lord!

The knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth even as the waters cover the sea. No longer shall one teach his neighbor, Know the Lord. For you shall all know Me, says the Lord. There shall be a flowing and a swaying. There shall no longer be a kicking against and a striving against, for they that did shall be no more. That shall not rise up again, says the Lord, but there shall be a bride that is one.

Yes, it's tough to kick against the pricks, says the Lord. But let it go -let it go before it bears bad fruit, says the Lord. Let it go. Seek the will of the Lord, even the way of the Lord. Listen for a Voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk you in it.'

For it was never My design that you should walk by your own light; neither by your own counsel, that you might sway with the Lord and into His breeze that the visible might see the invisible; that the invisible might be made manifest in the visible. For the breeze blows you know not where from, or to where. But they shall see even a swaying.

It shall be The Sway of the Lord - The Breeze of God! There shall be a flowing with the Lord.

 -  Prophetic Word - Sunday 8/20/23 via Matt Schilling

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