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...does not negate that the flower once gloriously blossomed.

The failure of a relationship does not mean that it was never authentic or God ordained;

The disappointment of a spiritual leader does not prove that you were in the "wrong" church;

We contend often with the lie that our own choices cannot be trusted, that love is an illusion, that true friendship is a fantasy, or that safe community is never likely to be found.

But many things once savored were in fact gifts of God. The fragrance which we hoped would last forever was carried off far too soon by an unanticipated gale. Yet the fragrance was real in its time. And we have the capacity to retain its beauty. Some of the deepest of memories can be evoked by a familiar scent.

Never allow disappointment or a broken heart to dull your senses. Savor the good that once was, and dream of another good that again can be. Surely it is true that "goodness and mercy can follow you all the days of your life"; have any among us ever exhausted the designs of Divinity?

I have pastored churches that years later are closed, but never will I suppress my memories of the authenticity of the revivals that God once rained upon us.

I have had friends who went with me "into the courts of the Lord," only to later drift out of my life, yet never will I succumb to a cynicism that rejects the truth that the joys once shared were genuine.

Keep daring to love; love is the fuel that keeps faith alive.

Keep diving deep into community; you were born to belong; isolation is the ultimate self-betrayal.

Keep risking through relationship; wilted hearts can be revived.

His mercies are new every morning.

  - R.k. Brake

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