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Jesus told a parable of ten virgins recorded in Matthew 25:1-13 (maybe pause and read it afresh). It’s an interesting illustration. When I was younger, I thought the refusal of the wise virgins to share their extra oil seemed, at first, selfish on their part. Couldn’t they somehow give the others a hand? But then I realized, Jesus Himself told this story, so He was the one who had defined their characters. He knew who was wise or foolish and certainly wasn’t calling anyone selfish! Those five foolish virgins had ample time to properly prepare for the return of the bridegroom, and yet did not. When they were caught short in the middle of the night, the five wise virgins readily told them what to do. They had successfully done it themselves – though, doubtless, in the light of day: 1) Go to those who sell and 2) buy for yourselves.

There are certain things in life that only we can do for ourselves in the way it must be done. In this case, as commonly taught, maintaining vessels full of oil refers to the filling of the Holy Spirit. It's something we all need again and again in these last days while we look to the return of Christ. As the story reads, the foolish could neither beg from their companions, borrow, bargain, copy, nor conjure up this vital component. Under pressure with no easy fix, surely the foolish virgins were irritated and put off, but then sadly put out in the end.

There are two sides to this coin to consider: We must each diligently prepare ourselves while we can by His grace and Spirit as we await Christ’s second coming, working His works. At the same time, let’s have discernment with godly limitations; aware for those not really wanting the help they need but, in fact, an excuse to avoid what God requires of them. It’s not always clear-cut when to bear a load of another or not without the wisdom He gives liberally. Be a wise virgin! My husband would sum this up by saying, "Never save a man from bearing the cross meant to transform his life through God."

"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ... but let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load." – Galatians 6:2, 4-5

"How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver." – Proverbs 16:16

  - Elese

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