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(Below is a prophetic word given during a Friday DHM prayer night, and following that, is part of the understanding/teaching which came in the aftermath)

Heaps upon heaps, a pouring out, a spending and being spent, a falling upon the rock and a brokenness to behold. In this I am well pleased where one is not careful for his thoughts in prayer, conscious for himself in what he says before others, offering himself alone to Me. For I look after the heart that empties all that I may fill it with My own. Here, one shall know My thoughts that carries the weight of face to face. Come be beside yourself for My sake for it is the self of man that is with resistance in submission to me. This night I am hearing "heaps", a breaking that brings heaps upon heaps with no sorting or qualifying of words. It is the flood that defines the flow. Know that the right mind for another is formed from being beside one's self for Christ's sake. Herein comes the love that is with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Herein, one is sealed in baptism by My Spirit when he believes with all his heart. From the still, the letting go, you will know Me, and from its flood will come its flow that will show for Me.

"For if we are beside ourselves [mad, as some say], it is for God and concerns Him; if we are in our right mind, it is for your benefit..." (2Cor.5:13 AMPC)

"For if we are out of our minds, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you." (2Cor.5:13 TLV)

"And we know..." Eighteen times in 1 John are references of our knowing. The heart knows faith and its reality with God. It hears again what was lost from the Fall of man in the garden, "the sound of the Lord's voice walking" (Gen.3:8). The head and all that is merely cerebral at best, assumes faith while potentially being deceived. If we be beside ourselves or out of our minds for Christ's sake, it is with actively walking in the Spirit, having the mind of Christ. From there, to be in our right mind for the sake of another, we are not returning to the natural mind, but a mind that can now translate with understanding what is made known from the Lord.

The truth that is Christ in word, way, and life heard from the heart makes us all liable to answer Him and be freed from the lie we've lived under the Fall. To refuse this liability, responsibility, obligation, etc., is to harden the heart to have things our way. It also closes the door on the One who has sought to sup with us. Is the sound of the Lord's voice walking in your garden suffering from being heard and unheeded? If so, it's time to come out from the carnal mind that is at enmity (against) with God before you find yourself assuming faith without the living reality of Him. He is the sound of the sound mind.

"...let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: 'That You may be justified in Your words, and may overcome when You are judged.'" (Rom.3:4)

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2Tim.1:7)

  - David

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