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Consider His Kindess! Selah

"Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off (Rom 11:22)

"Those who have fallen": Paul is referring here to unrepentant, unbelieving Jews. "You": Paul is referring to those "who are loved by God and called to be saints" (Rom 1:7a). You know, the ones to whom he then said "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (Rom 1:7b)

If I am standing in the midst of many people, say co-workers, or volunteers for an event, and a leader is speaking to all of us - and that leader is giving different directions to different people in the group, based on their different assignments, or their different positions, then I will pay CLOSEST ATTENTION to what he says DIRECTLY to me. Of course, I will listen to it all; out of respect and because some of it may apply to the person standing next to me - they may ask me, "What did he say?" Also some of it may apply to me later, even though it doesn't apply to me right now. (Perhaps I'm here to man the entrance, not the food booth. But, who knows? I may be asked to help out over there.)

So, yes, I will listen to all the leader has to say, but I will pay closest attention to what is spoken directly to me. So, let's play back what Paul said TO ME (and to you?) in Rom 11:22: "Note then the kindness of God to you - provided you continue in His kindness! Otherwise, you too will be cut off."

Behold the kindness of God to you! Be sure to continue in that kindness! Don't drift from it! Nothing good will come from that! Bad things are in store for those who fail at the kindness of God! Don't take it for granted! I highly recommend - no, I beg you: Appreciate it; ponder it; count on it; sing of it; declare it; revel in it!

Oh, and be kind to others. And in your kindness, tell them of the kindness of the Lord. (I assume you have examples of it, no?) Offer it to them: "Would you like God to be kind to you, too? Would you like to move far away from those "severity" and "being cut off" texts? Would you like to move into, and under, the kindness of Someone who KNOWS how to be kind? Oh! Let me tell you: He ENJOYS being kind! I'm sure He will accept you, like He accepted me. He is SO kind!"

Let's act like people who have experienced kindness; let's reflect His kindness and imitate His kindness. (Let's act like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz; she invited everyone she met to go see the wonderful, powerful person she was on her way to see. Even someone who threatened her when she first met him. Within minutes, she was wiping away his tears, and inviting him to go, too.)

Behold the kindness of God to you! Continue IN His kindness. How would I know if you had been IN water? Why, you'd be dripping wet, wouldn't you? Even so, I implore you: Note; behold; continue in the kindness of God.

- Matthew Schilling

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