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For Affect

I greatly appreciated a post made by my son, Jotham, about the woman who entered the house of Simon the Pharisee and anointed Jesus' head with fragrant oil. This story is found in Luke 7:36-50 and well worth the read. Jotham’s ending question was, "What affect does He have on us?" I reread it because that thought stuck with me, "What affect…?"

The Pharisee under his breath thought, "If Jesus was a prophet, he would know what kind of woman this is and who it is that touches Him." Amazingly, this is our God, the only One who is good, touching the worst of us and the worst that is in us. When that extraordinary, other-worldly touch of God comes upon us, it moves us beyond all the fallen, self-conscious thoughts and etiquettes we have lived under. That woman had been so previously touched by the Lord that she had the revelation of who He was, what He did for her, what His intention for all was, and what He was about to face. She, from that touch, did not shrink back from entering the house of the Pharisees who had nothing to do with the unclean or those considered by their prejudices to be lower than themselves.

When touched of God, the reputations of men pale in comparison to our acceptance, an elevation-elation by God Himself, the King, the Prince, the Redeemer, the Healer, the Source of all that is, etc… She has no thought for embarrassment to do what she does for Jesus before others. She has no thought for the cost of the alabaster box with its rich perfume. She has no thought for withholding the worship of Him… no thought for all man highly esteems that in God’s sight is an abomination. Her humility is exalted.

However, Simon the Pharisee, is deceived in his religious pride of position, reputation, the etiquettes of the Sanhedrin, etc… and cannot see who Jesus is. He has refused with other Pharisees the touch of God that previously came for them all by the voice and baptism of John… and then by Jesus (Luke 7:29-30). Simon is confronted. Jesus says that from the time He came to his house, Simon gave Jesus "No wash… No kiss… and No anointing…" (vv. 44-46).

Many times, the church gives the Lord, No, without even realizing it, by not pressing into being touched by Him. The touch of God on us for want of touching Him - is meant to be our life in the simplest form. That touch brings the needed affect of change from our worst to His best. It gives us discernment, grows our love for our Lover, and awakens us from the slumber of our fallen or lethargic estate. It sets our hearts on fire with that which overrides all opposition and overcomes the world. Position yourself for affect. Believe and obey. You don’t need understanding to believe Him or obey Him. It will come from the touch once you have believed and obeyed. Don’t ever justify yourself when God is exposing our bad, wrong, sin or other. His exposing is never to condemn, but rescind our worst with His best, Himself.

"He who is forgiven much, loves much."

- Pastor David Cosgrove

PS: For any of you grammatical geniuses, I intentionally used the word "affect" rather than "effect" to mean "the external display of one’s emotions or moods."

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